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Archive for 'Politics'

Romania’s Constitutional Court May Have Poured Fuel on the Fire

This is a mess… Tomorrow we should have had the second round of the presidential election, but yesterday, after the voters living abroad had already started voting, our Constitutional Court decided to overturn its own earlier ruling, validating the results of the first round, and annul the election, turning the entire situation into a mess […]

Will the ICC’s Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu Mean More than the One for Putin?

At least the International Criminal Court finally did what it could and issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, which actually doesn’t put him on par with the leaders of terrorist organizations, as the critics like to claim, but with Putin, which is absolutely correct. And while I was saying that the arrest warrant for Putin’s […]

After 1000 Days, I Fear It May Be Time for the Brown Pants

Back in February, at the two-year mark, I was saying that the current stage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reaching 1000 days seemed to be the best possible outcome, the alternative being a negotiated settlement that would offer Russia all of the territories it wants as well as the time to prepare for the next […]

That’s It. We’re Done. And “The People” Are to Blame…

As I was saying, if Trump’s side doesn’t lose, all of us, and the world as a whole, will. So we lost. And while some may continue to say that it was “only” yet another major battle out of a long string of them, still having any shred of a chance of a future that […]

Drawing Battle Lines Between Bad and So Much Worse for the US Elections

Now when it seems that there’s a question whether Biden’s “garbage” remark was about Trump’s supporters in general or just about a specific one, I’d rather make things simple: What those who support Trump are is enemies. Period. And that also applies to a fair extent to anyone who doesn’t openly push back against the […]