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Monthly Archive August, 2022

Odds and Ends from Two Thirds of July

On July 1, I left at 3:15 PM, taking some of the food that Micky hadn’t eaten behind the building, for the cats that are there. Then, having dad’s metro card, I took the metro to pick up some more of that food that Micky was supposed to eat, after having ordered it on-line from […]

At Least Ukraine’s National Day Was More or Less "Normal"…

Of course, the term isn’t one that can in any way apply to the situation, but for lack of a better one, it is something of a relief that The National Day of Ukraine, which was also the day marking six months since the start of this invasion, was more or less “normal”. Admittedly, the […]

The Last Days with COVID-19 and the First Run After

Still leaving the remaining odds and ends from July for some other time, I’ll start this post right from the end of the one about getting COVID-19, so with the early hours of August 6, when I used the new cutting board for the first time, after having purchased one just before the symptoms appeared, […]

The Voyagers Turn 45… And Still Wait for Successors…

The Voyagers turn 45 today. Or, more exactly, Voyager 2 does, since Voyager 1 was actually launched later, on September 5. But that date is only a little over two weeks away and, despite the existing problems, there should be no risk of a major failure in such a short time. Whether they’ll both still […]

July’s Runs… Including a New Personal Best!

To start with the early hours of July 8, I finished what I had taken to my room to put on bread by 3:40 AM, but still had plenty of slices left, so I went back to the kitchen to put jam and honey on them and finished at 3:50 AM. Then I got up […]