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Monthly Archive November, 2022

Planting Trees for the Second and Last Time This Autumn – I

I had also signed up to plant trees with this other NGO on November 30, but I had done so tentatively, just because the deadline was Wednesday, meaning to say that I won’t be able to confirm until Monday if they’ll call me before yesterday’s event, since I wanted to see whether I’ll think that […]

Russia Being Declared a State Sponsor of Terrorism… Means Nothing…

When I heard that the European Parliament voted to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, I was definitely surprised, and very pleasantly so, not just because I didn’t expect such a decisive stance to be formally adopted, but also because it seemed to come pretty much out of nowhere, considering how hard it seems […]

The Other Runs from October, After the Marathon

Maybe I’d have given myself a week off if I’d have managed to finish this year’s marathon in less than four hours, but since that wasn’t the case, the next run was on October 13, when the alarm was set to ring at 2 PM, but I was awake a couple of minutes earlier, so […]

Eight Billion

As of today, the world population has officially reached eight billion. Of course, the exact date of reaching such a threshold can’t really be determined, so it’s picked somewhat arbitrarily, but slight variations won’t make much of a difference, and in fact the milestones themselves aren’t that relevant in the first place… Though one thing […]

Planting Trees at Brazi One More Time

In the early hours of the previous day, I took a late shower, so I got to the kitchen just after 1:20 AM and then also sliced a bread for dad, so I only started to eat dinner at 3:10 AM and finished at 3:50 AM. However, last morning it wasn’t even 4:10 AM when […]