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Monthly Archive November, 2023

Before and After Bucharest Marathon 2023

Since I had 46 kg on October 14 and felt that the pasta which I had eaten after getting up was too little, I had another small serving with dinner, which otherwise consisted of peanut butter on the slices of bread and a large salad, made before midnight, when I also made the tea for […]

New Finds – LV

I usually have some difficulties when I want the bands included in a post from this series to have something in common, but this time the fact that they’re all from the United States is entirely accidental, and I only noticed it when I marked all three of them as included. And it’s also a […]

I Did Plant (a Mere Handful of) Trees Again

I’ll start this post with Friday, when I woke up as dad was about to leave and then had to be here when the technicians came, a little later, to install the CI+ card in the new kitchen TV… And the one who actually did the work, after asking to use the bathroom, said that […]

A Step Towards Criminalizing Ecocide… Maybe… If You Can Trust the EU…

Yesterday, so on the same day when it once again proved how little it truly cares for either public health or the environment by unilaterally renewing the approval for glyphosate for another ten years, the EU decided to criminalize environmental damage “comparable to ecocide”, though the text itself doesn’t actually include the term and excludes […]

So Much for the Trialogue Fixing the Nature Restoration Law…

Back when an awfully weak form of the Nature Restoration Law was adopted by the European Parliament, there were some hopes that the trialogue will bring some improvements, but that hardly happened. I mean, getting rid of the result-based approach and asking for “efforts” and “measures which shall aim to achieve” the desired results means […]