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Exile Ended!

Last night was the first night I slept back in my room, after 24 in “exile“. I only have the bed and the desk so far, but it’ll do, as much as anything can do since I lost everything that kept me here in the first place…

I was saying the bed is just what I wanted and it mostly is, but it does have a small problem that makes it make noises in exactly the wrong spot. In any other area I can even jump on it and it won’t complain in any way, but on the top half of the “free” side, so the area where I get on and off it and also where my arms are when I do pushups on it, there seems to be a problem with something and when the weight changes it “snaps”. I guess we’ll just turn it around and the problem will be solved, since there’s nothing to say where the head should be yet.
The major problem with the desk has been solved though, that drawer has been shortened so my UPS can go in behind it and out of sight. There’s no room to put a board above that place to protect it from anything that might fall from the drawers since he didn’t do it according to my plan, of course, but we’ll see… Also, the drawer still doesn’t come out easily, which makes even getting anything in and out of it a problem since, because it’s so short and it won’t be allowed to slide all the way out unless you pull it up first, the area that you have access to when you slide it out normally is only six and a half centimeters long. But I’ll make due with it I guess, better than nothing…
Another issue is that now the window takes a good shove to close. I asked dad what’s up with that and he said he noticed and thinks they put it back in at the wrong angle and it bent, so now he tried to put it at a slightly opposite angle hoping it’ll straighten itself out in time. There goes the insulation it was supposed to provide I guess, which is the very reason he changed them in the first place against my firm opposition and caused this entire mess with the mold… But it’s weird, because he said they didn’t take the windows out. Somebody’s lying about something…

Otherwise, it’s dirty and I can’t even vacuum now. The part that holds together the flexible and the hard parts of the hose broke and it can’t be put back together. Dad said we’ll just have to use it like that for the time being, just pointing the hose to where we want to clean, but what the fuck? How can you expect to clean a room like that? Ok, there’s no carpet here yet so I don’t need a brush, but still…
On the other hand, the way things are piled up does make it look even worse than it is. The books are in piles on the floor, my clothes are piled up on the desk next to the monitor, there’s a box somewhere in a corner and there are still some things I didn’t get back in here yet. I don’t plan to get those back untill I’ll have the shelves as well.

The plan is now to look for things on my own on Thursday. I should be able to link a few things together, check out the book fair and then look through the three major furniture stores, if I won’t get too confused with the directions and if I’ll be able to hold it together around all those people for so long, which is a very big if. But I hope I’ll manage to get the exact idea and then be able to tell dad exactly what to get when he’ll have the time and money for it, which I hope will be very soon.

But, leaving all that, at least I’m back here. Though basically the only thing left untouched in this room since she was last here is the door… There is really nothing more I can say about that, few things were left and even fewer remain. Time doesn’t heal, time only kills…


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