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Quick Review: Unde nu-i cap, vai de popoare (Where There’s No Head, Woe to the Peoples)

This is a collection of texts from the Starea Natiei (State of the Nation) show, and I rather added it to get free shipping for the other books ordered, though supporting a rather good show and maybe the only remaining Leftist TV show host around here was a nice bonus. The texts are from five years ago, but while the details refer to that period, the general ideas are just as true now, and in some cases unfortunately even more so. Yes, the texts are short and therefore don’t go in depth or offer detailed arguments, but they tackle important topics, are written well and make points I can get behind. And since I prefer to read, not caring to watch or listen to people speaking, and definitely don’t want to waste time with skits, this also allowed me to see that the quality I had seen when I somehow happened to catch a piece of the show is the rule for them. That doesn’t change the fact that I disagree on some topics, mainly their support for the “right” to not vote and yet still complain afterwards, or for the most part their opposition to deficit limits or military spending and exercises, but those, while important, are just a few issues among many and, if anything, the fact that they don’t change my overall opinion only proves that it’s not solely a result of agreeing with everything.
But I used the plural and this leads me to the one thing that did make me raise an eyebrow: The show’s host is the only author listed on the cover and spine, and apparently also in the National Library’s records, yet the first page lists him and Mihai Radu as authors, and the foreword not only does the same, but actually states that the texts on the show are written by Mihai Radu and Gabi Drogeanu, while Dragos just edits them. Sure, it’s a matter of marketing, and in the end between him and his team, but it strikes me as particularly unfair from someone who otherwise so firmly advocates fairness.

Rating: 4/5


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