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Odds and Ends from the First Two Weeks of May, Before the Half Marathon

I just meant to write something about this week, minus Wednesday, since I ran that day and I’m yet to write about that series of three runs and adding a later run won’t be right, but there are a few things to mention about May 3 and, with May 2 also being a day when I ran and since I already wrote about May 5, when I walked the route of the half marathon, I’ll start there, making this post about the odds and ends from the first two weeks of May.

I again ended up being connected at the same time as dad on May 3, but it was my fault, since he was getting ready to leave and I saw that his computer was off, so I assumed that he was done with it already, went to my room and connected without saying anything… Only to walk out again after a few minutes and see him at his computer, having turned it on. On the other hand, just before that happened I saw a lot of ants in the part of the hallway from the entrance, around the shoes, so right next to the kitchen… And then I also found ants in my room, at first inside the desk! And when, after taking out most of the things from that side of the desk and having a better look, I also saw a few on the floor, both in the middle of the room and at the door, I somehow got myself to vacuum a little. I didn’t even do that properly and didn’t move what’s on the floor, so I didn’t really do anything relevant and late February remains the last time when I actually cleaned, but I couldn’t get myself to do more. And I’ll also add here that, after finally dealing with the second bread bought on April 30 and taking out all of the bread from the freezer and rearranging it in order to try to make room for it, that night I started eating dinner at 3:15 AM, though I somehow still finished at 3:40 AM. But then I had to actually put that bread in the freezer, which still wasn’t easy, and it led to getting in bed at 5:20 AM. I might have just barely managed to get in bed at the usual 5:15 AM if I’d have really rushed everything else, but I didn’t want to do that.

Moving on to the early hours of May 8, that was when I did something to my right ankle, I think when I was getting something from the fridge, and what’s worrying is that it’s still bothering me a little, and what I felt from that leg’s muscles when I ran two days later might have been caused by trying to spare it, so it’s likely to affect me tomorrow as well. As if it wasn’t already clear that I’ll do badly even without one more problem to deal with…
Either way, that morning I got in bed at 5:25 AM… And I was woken up by drilling and hammering. I’m not sure when it started, but I went to pee at 9 AM, could get back to sleep after that, and the next time I looked I saw that it was 11:15 AM, but I had been awake because of the noise for a while by then. And on top of that noise continuing the rest of the week, to add yet another problem that will ensure that I’ll do badly tomorrow, the following morning they mowed everything in that area that’s behind the building as well, starting very early. I first woke up just before 7 AM, after dad got back, but at that point I really had to pee anyway, after the mamaliga eaten at night, and I could get back to sleep quickly… Only to get woken up a little after 7:30 AM by the noise coming from outside, which later mixed with the drilling and hammering. So I caught what naps I could, but they were very bad and agitated bits of sleep and even if the nap that started around 2 PM was somewhat better and around 3 PM or so the noise seemed to have stopped and I got about an hour and a half of proper sleep, only finally getting up when it was almost 5 PM, I felt really tired. I had another nap in the evening, but it only lasted 45 minutes or so, if not less.

On May 11, the drilling started at 8:45 AM, but after going to pee I somehow fell asleep again and in fact only woke up a couple more times, one of them likely being because of an SMS from my provider, and even then I could get back to sleep. Admittedly, the noise seemed somewhat subdued, and it’s possible that it stopped after a while, but what I know is that I only woke up again when it was probably around or even after 1 PM, when dad coughed loudly, and once again got back to sleep almost immediately, waking up for good when it was past 2 PM and finally getting out of bed when it was past 2:30 PM. And I also did the day’s squats and left a little before 5:10 PM, with a bag of trash, which I dropped down the chute, and the plastic and metal, which I dropped in a recycling bin.
Since I had dad’s metro card, I went to Dristor, but since there’s cat food on sale these days I decided to first stop at the Mega Image that’s next to Tei, putting on the mask before entering, since for some reason I had decided to just take it with me, without putting it on before leaving, even though I was going to wear it on the metro. Either way, I bought all of the cat food of that kind that was left, put it in the backpack and then continued to the metro station, getting off at Izvor, taking off the mask and then spotting one of those bottles that go towards that voucher from Penny in the park, so I picked it up and put it in a bag and then in the backpack before continuing on my way to Constitution Square, which I reached a little after 6:10 PM, the main reason for going out that day being to pick up the race kit.
Since the large sign for picking up the numbers was also there, I ended up placing my phone, with the QR code on the screen, on what was actually the information desk, only noticing what was written on it when I walked away, after the guy who was there asked whether I was Romanian, then repeated himself after I stared at him in confusion, having understood that he had asked whether he had to stay, and finally pointed me to the proper place, which was right behind that sign, so around the corner. Then I picked up the number and continued to the place where the t-shirts were handed out, being asked for the size even though I selected it when I registered. However, even if the girl who was there called for an M, I ended up receiving an L, which I noticed after taking a couple of steps, so I turned around and said so, which made both of the girls call rather sternly for an M. But one of them already had one in her hand, so she handed it to me, both of us checking that it was the correct size that time. The quality seems poor, considering all the loose threads that I noticed, and it feels so flimsy that I fear it’ll tear if I’m not very careful when I put it on, and I’m not sure how I’ll feel in it either, but I’ll wear it… And in fact it’s the only thing that I’ll use tomorrow, because after also picking up the race kit and looking inside I was really disappointed. Last year I was particularly pleased with the contents, but the only usable product this time around is a protein bar that was recently released by a company that so far only made regular chocolate bars, with ingredients that I usually wanted to avoid. This one doesn’t seem to have anything like that, but I’m not sure it’d help while running either, plus that the tiny amount of rum that’s the brand’s mark still makes me frown, so I’d rather leave it for another time.
I spent a little more time in that area, checking the prices of some bars and of the shots of liquid magnesium and also looking at shoes in one place and even asking about the price of some, only finally putting the race kit in the backpack after that and walking away, towards Unirii, when it was 6:40 PM, though I spotted one more of those bottles almost right away, so I added it in that bag, which I then put back in the backpack. And then I once again stopped at a Mega Image, without putting the mask back on, since I wanted to look but didn’t expect to find that cat food there. But I did, so I got most of it, though that time around I did leave a few, and then I took my time to add it in the backpack and arrange everything properly before walking back out. So the waste of time proved to be checking Carrefour Unirii, and I actually did put on the mask before walking in, but I didn’t find anything to get, and when I walked out the guard stopped me and asked me to unzip my jacket and to show him what was in the inside pocket, though the full backpack that I had entered with didn’t seem to interest him.
I didn’t bother to use cabinets at the three other stores that I entered on the way back either, the first one being a Profi that I decided to also check, finding a better price for some beer for dad and getting two bottles. Then I went to Penny and got something sweet, also for dad, and an expiring bio (organic) yogurt, which I mean to eat in the morning, the cashier apparently failing to notice the discount sticker at first, but after hesitating for a moment when she saw that I paid her less than what the register displayed she realized the problem and said that it was fine. And, since those products were obviously from Penny, being of their store brands, and that Mega Image is pretty much next to it, I entered with them in my hands, and left like that as well, not looking for any more of that cat food and not finding anything else to get. And I actually meant to just stuff those products in my pockets after that, but I eventually did stop to add them in the backpack.
Since the maintenance bill could be paid that evening, I had taken money with me and, after seeing the invoice in the mailbox when I left, had set the exact amount aside, at least in bills, rounding down. So I went straight up and paid, the guy saying that it was fine after I paid the bills and was about to dig for coins. And I also asked him something that has to do with what I can’t get myself to write about, but it’s not his business and he advised me to ask two others and I have no idea who those are. Either way, a woman came to pay after me and she asked whether I’ll wait for her when I got to the elevator, so I did.
I was back here a little after 9 PM and, with the second semi-final of Eurovision starting at 10 PM, I rushed, just putting the yogurt in the fridge and going to the bathroom when it wasn’t even 9:20 PM, taking a quick shower after only leaving a little in the toilet, since I couldn’t afford to lose more time. I only ate another apple, a slice of cozonac and then dinner after the songs were over, and after slicing the remaining breads for dad and washing what was in the kitchen, I ended up eating dinner between 3:10 AM and 3:50 AM, and getting in bed at 5:20 AM.

As for last night, after cooking the pasta in the evening and having a late lunch, finished well after midnight, I started eating dinner at 3:10 AM, but still managed to finish at 3:40 AM. However, even though there was no more drilling and hammering, after getting up to pee a little before 8:40 AM, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I even considered getting on the computer and perhaps writing some more of this post, but I didn’t, just staying in bed and struggling to sleep, which led to a pretty strange experience, since I was in that state that’s between being asleep and awake for quite a while, and the faint noises that were coming from the neighbors likely only made things even stranger, so I’m not sure whether I actually slept at all before deciding to pee one more time, almost exactly two hours after that first time. Maybe I did, a little, but I don’t know. And while I could finally get back to sleep after that, I still woke up a couple more times before finally getting up at 2:10 PM, once again feeling quite tired… And when I’ll get very little, if any, sleep before needing to get up in the morning, things look even worse for tomorrow. But at least I already had lunch and now I’m going to somehow force myself to shave, hoping to perhaps manage to eat dinner while watching the Eurovision final and, ideally, even get ready for the morning before it’s over, so I’ll be able to go to bed soon after that, since I don’t mean to post my classification right after the show this time around… Not that I managed to go to bed that early even when the half marathon wasn’t right after Eurovision.


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