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Activating the New Version of the Games Played List, Even If It’s Not Ready
I had created a new version of the Games Played list some time ago and it was uploaded, but not linked, even though it was quite functional, since I had also made a script that changed the old ratings to the new ones that I had decided to use and so far there were no titles listed that required other changes. But, seeing as I really had to write this week’s two posts and a Sunday update was out of the question, since I’ll be walking most of the route of the marathon, this evening I decided to activate this new version and write this post to announce it. The old version is also still here and functional for the moment, but now it is the one that’s not otherwise linked to, except in this post, and it doesn’t contain the new updates, since in the new version I also added the games which I had finished since the previous update, except the last one, Hero of the Kingdom II, which I only plan to add after writing the review.
The problem now is that, since I now switched to HonestGamers for my reviews and finally managed to write the one for King of Dragon Pass, that one’s only available there while the list still creates the link to where it should be on MobyGames, which will only display the rating. But even if I had time to do it, and figured out how to avoid any errors, I couldn’t make the change, since plenty of my existing reviews aren’t yet on HonestGamers as well, and at least one probably won’t be, since it’s too outdated to post anywhere now. And that one creates a serious problem, but I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I’ll come to it.
The first problem I have now is that the new rating system allows for much more accurate ratings and I’m making no use of it except for these new additions. I reduced the number, creating the “artistic aspects” rating by averaging the previous acting, graphics and sound / music ratings, and eliminating the AI rating, but I switched from the whole star ratings used by MobyGames to a numeric rating, out of ten, with half points also possible. Or at least half points, because that’s what I want, though I could theoretically use tenths. But since the current ratings are just the result of using that script, with the exception of that “artistic aspects” rating they’re still essentially using the old whole star system, only doubling the numbers. And that AI rating should probably also have an impact on the gameplay rating, but I had likely taken it into consideration when giving that gameplay rating so far, so I’m uncertain what to do with it. But the basic fact is that I really should revisit the ratings and make some changes… But I’ve been saying that I should have revisited the notes originally posted on IGN ever since switching to MobyGames, and that was at the start of 2010, so I may well never do this either… Though I should at least get around to adding the missing ratings, since there are a number of games that didn’t have a story / presentation rating on MobyGames and pretty much any game should have what I now call an atmosphere / story rating.