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Easy to Boycott Eurovision and a Mention of FalastinVision

After having posts about Eurovision every year since 2006, so while I was making occasional posts on some platforms, before actually starting this blog, even making two posts in 2020, when the competition didn’t actually take place, and also posting my ratings for all of the songs from the final ever since 2011, this year I won’t be doing that, joining the boycott caused by the fact that Israel wasn’t thrown out. And it seems that their entry was even voted into the final, which makes things even worse… Though it should have been expected, those who support them being likely to make a point of voting while many of those who have a problem with them are unlikely to even watch, much less vote.

Admittedly, it’s particularly easy for me to not watch Eurovision live this year, since Romania isn’t participating, the competition isn’t on TV here, and watching live on-line when I should be getting ready for tomorrow’s half marathon wouldn’t have been feasible either way. But I would have at least watched the complete recording, given the ratings and written the usual post or posts, possibly even watching just the songs tonight in order to be able to quickly post just the ratings before going to bed. So the fact that I won’t be doing that, and that I’m not even including the links that I’d have otherwise included in this post, is what my boycott consists of.

On the other hand, an alternative event, FalastinVision, is taking place at the same time and, while the fact that it’s not feasible to watch something on-line this evening remains true, I’ll probably replace what should have been my usual post about Eurovision with one about that, though I might not be able to write it tomorrow and, seeing as I gather that, while a live event does exist, the “competing” acts won’t actually be part of it, that post most probably won’t include ratings. And most of the songs are more or less what you’d expect from such a “protest” event, but I just gave them a quick listen and a few do stand out, at least to some extent, so you could try to at least listen, if not even watch.


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