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Early June Odds and Ends

Yes, I’ll have a personal first post of the week once again, which doesn’t bode well. Keep having big ideas that I’ll never get around to writing, so this will have to do for now. Spent three and a half hours putting some 500 words into something else yesterday anyway, which is a whole lot for one day when it comes to that, so really don’t feel like staring for several more hours at the screen today as well, hoping that something would come to me.
Should get around to writing at least an overview of those big ideas someday, though. The fact that I’ve been having them for years and never did it would indicate that I never will either, but at the same time it should say that I should keep trying, at least occasionally. In fact, I should perhaps take advantage of these weird current circumstances, just in case they’d happen to bring some readers to the posts I actually want people to read. After all, after hardly averaging one person initiating contact with me per year so far, I’ve had several deciding to do so out of the blue within days of each other lately, the last of them appearing particularly, shall we say, dedicated these days, so why couldn’t someone interested in my non-personal posts just happen to pop up as well?

Otherwise, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger seem to dislike each other even more these days. Not that interoperability wasn’t always a problem, but there usually was just the occasional message sent from WLM that didn’t reach me on YIM. There was one other evening, also when I was trying to talk to Tiel, when lots of her messages were failing to reach me and even a couple of mine failed to reach her, but now the situation seems to be even worse and has lasted for some two days already. It feels as if more of her messages get lost than reach me, so trying to chat is an exercise in frustration, and she seemed to be missing a few of mine as well. Really annoying!

Under oddly enough, I thought I should mention that I’m noticing an increasing amount of spam in Romanian. At first there were broken translations, so nothing notable, but now I’m seeing messages that actually seem to be written in Romanian, which is certainly new. Does it mean there are some new developments on the spam “market” or just that the bots have just figured out where I’m from? Or would it have something to do with the increased amount of traffic I’m getting from Romania, due to some of the people I mentioned above?

Guess that’s it for now. Hope I’ll manage to think of something non-personal to post by the end of the week… And that I’ll start playing something as well, for that matter, since I haven’t touched anything in the ten days since I stopped playing Forsaken World, just like I feared would happen. It’s a little annoying…


  1. madalina says:

    my interest in you (’cause it’s clear as daylight you’re talking about me) is due to the fact you’re not just human, but also a mental health case.

    I got the point you can be rational and can function according to some discursive patterns. so I just wanna observe your evolution. my choice to do so loudly (as in typing some words) is justified by how sorry I am to watch a human being destroying himself by not seeking professional help.

    here’s a possibility (that I strongly consider a fact, in fact…): you were a teen fling for andra, a curiosity, both humanly and sexually. an infatuation she got over and moved on with her life. the only one stuck in an illusion and keeping it alive (worse, making it bigger and harder to ever break) is you.

    then again, I know it’s pointless to tell you things. ’cause when someone’s worst enemy is him/herself, almost nothing can get in the way…

    so good luck in hurting yourself over a teenage sex story!

    June 9, 2011 @ 1:45 AM

  2. Cavalary says:

    And I was the most interesting story you could find to get off on? Aw, poor you…

    June 9, 2011 @ 1:52 AM

  3. madalina says:

    no need for you to get aggressive and grouse.

    if you tried to be ironic… sorry, but irony isn’t your thing, so try learning it before displaying such silly attempts.

    getting off you say? you could’t be farther from the factual truth.

    maybe you are the one constantly trying to get off on whatever… (including the figurative sense of the getting off)

    June 9, 2011 @ 2:07 AM

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