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Two Personal Posts to Start the Year

Couldn’t spray today due to the weather, as it rained and it would have had a hard time drying. Let’s hope it’ll be better tomorrow, because this really can’t wait any longer. On top of breathing it in, I’m very worried about it getting in my desk already, seeing as there’s plenty of it right here next to it. That’d be quite a problem, as I like this desk quite a lot and it was made by somebody based on my own design, to fit everything just right, so I really don’t want to end up needing to get rid of it anytime soon because of this or any other problem.
On the other hand, I’m not sure how I would have been able to get things done today even if the weather would have allowed it, so I also don’t know how will I manage to do it tomorrow. Now that I finally seem able to sleep again, I’d do nothing but, so I barely managed to crawl myself out of bed not long ago and still am very sleepy. It’s about time to recover all the sleep lost while I couldn’t get any due to coughing continuously, but right now I can barely even think. As a result, not quite sure what I’m writing here…

As a second personal post of the week, this complicates matters, as I’m now left with just two “slots” for such posts and, if anything, writing only gets harder and harder the more I try, so it’ll be quite a problem to make it out of this situation. At the same time, it may just be the incentive required to write two serious non-personal ones next week, if I’ll recover enough to be able to at least think straight. I mean, I was able to do it at some point, right?


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