In the early hours of November 4, I saw a cockroach on the kitchen counter. I managed to kill it, but I don’t know whether it had fallen from above or crawled up from the bread drawer, and it was a problem either way. And while eating dinner I noticed that no visits were reported on November 3. Then I got in bed at 5:20 AM and got up when the alarm rang, at 1:30 PM, that spot in the right side of my throat still hurting, after having started to do so after eating. But the plan was to run, so I had the usual stuff, with the yogurt being an expired regular one and the apple being another one of those huge but spoiling Gala ones, though I had less to remove from it than I thought, so what was left was still the size of two regular apples. And the sweet thing once again consisted of two nicer biscuits, with added honey. Then I put on the full running gear, sticking to that same t-shirt from the marathon of 2023, and left a few minutes after 4 PM, waiting to see what the reported temperature was at 4 PM and seeing that it was 14°C, and it dropped to 12-13°C by the time I finished. It felt a little chilly on the way, and when a guy who walked past me after I entered the park asked if I wasn’t cold, I told him that I won’t be while running.
The time was 48:30.85, with sector times of 4:15.66, 5:05 (5:04.41), 5:51.28, 4:25.53, 5:02 (5:01.13), 7:04.62, 4:21.19, 4:55 (4:54.72), 5:45.25 and 1:47.06, making for lap times of 15:11.35, 16:31.28 and 15:01.16. I once again aimed to stay under 48 minutes and knew that there had been moments when I had slowed down a little on the first sector, so that time seemed good enough, and after the second sector I just wanted to stay a little under six minutes on the third, to squeeze under that 15:20 that’s the lap target for 48 minutes on the first lap and keep more in reserve for later… But I was faster than I thought on sector three of lap one, so things looked pretty good, at least if I only wanted to just squeeze under 48 minutes, and that remained the case after two sectors of lap two… But then I lost around 1:25 because of a shoelace on sector three of lap two, since 1:21 passed between bending down and standing back up, and that made me certain that I won’t even manage to get under 49 minutes. But I pushed hard as soon as I started running again and continued to do so on lap three, recovering as much as I could, with the exception of another couple of seconds lost on sector three of lap three, when I briefly stopped in order to see the time better, so after sector one of lap three I thought that I actually had a chance to at least stay under 49 minutes, and that became almost certain after the following sector, as long as there won’t be any more problems. And after the end of the lap I wondered whether I still had enough left to manage a great final sector and even squeeze under 48:30, and while that wasn’t the case, at least I didn’t go over that time either, if you just look at the seconds. So this is a pretty bad time in itself, but the actual running time was most probably just over 47 minutes… Not that I’d have pushed that hard without that problem.
My heart felt a little weird a couple of times even on the way to the park, and that feeling returned a number of times over the course of lap one and sector one of lap two, which was worrying, though it then seemed to go away and there were no other physical problems. And there were no notable problems caused by people either, the lane once again most probably being the main reason why I occasionally had to weave and go the long way around. But, of course, the main problem was on sector three of lap two, when I noticed that my right shoelace was untied and when I stopped and pulled on it, I ended up with two knots, so the shoelaces were knotted together and one of them also had a knot on it, and while just pulling hard on such a knotted shoelace usually unties the knot, I couldn’t risk it at that point, since if that doesn’t work, the knot gets that much tighter and harder to untie and my fingers were cold and stiff, so I struggled to untie it for quite a while, which led to that huge loss of time.
After having a quick look in the nearby Mega Image on the way back, I ate a banana and a slice of the cake which I had bought for myself two weeks earlier, since I had placed most of it, cut into slices, in the freezer, taking that slice out after getting up, to let it thaw. I also did the day’s squats, changed, albeit leaving the running t-shirt on, and left again at 6:50 PM, with the recyclables, and also with those with the deposit symbol, and I picked up one more of those just after walking out of the building… But I did so without the backpack, where I also had the empty bags, and I only realized that when I was almost at the recycling bin where I wanted to drop off the regular recyclables, so I did that, then came back and grabbed the backpack, actually leaving a few minutes after 7 PM.
I didn’t want to use the recycling machine from Penny Titan unless I found something to buy, but I couldn’t have done it anyway, since it was out of order, so I put the recyclables in a cabinet and retrieved them after just having a quick look in the store. Then I continued to Supeco, and while that recycling machine wasn’t working either when I got there, the person who was waiting to use it said that she had told someone, and in fact someone was just coming and she quickly sorted things out, so I could put everything in, and then I also dug around and put in some more recyclables with the deposit symbol which had been left there, which included three of those oddly shaped bottles, which required many attempts before being accepted. But they eventually were, and I ended up with a second voucher. Then I went in and got what I wanted, being pleasantly surprised when I saw that the price of the chicken legs was lower than what I had seen on-line, and the price for those is printed on each bag, since it’s per kilogram and the weight obviously varies… But at the checkout I was told a total that was higher than what I had calculated, and when I asked why I found that the chicken legs did have the price per kilogram that was listed on-line after all. However, with the lower price clearly printed on them, I insisted to be offered that price, and the cashier did so, though when I said that I had prepared the exact amount she said that if I’d have done so, I’d have given her 0.03 RON more. I should have actually given her 0.02 RON more, since she had deducted 1.10 RON instead of 1.11 RON, but I did have some 0.01 RON coins, so I told her that I could give her that as well and did so after arranging the purchases a little, though I then just walked away without even looking to see whether she reacted in any way.
On the way to Kaufland, I checked a small Profi, putting my things in a cabinet that didn’t lock and then retrieving them, and grabbed two more recyclables with the deposit symbol, but since two people with a lot of them were using the recycling machine from Kaufland, I gave up after waiting for a little while and put everything in a cabinet, then peed and washed my hands and entered the store just before 9:10 PM. Then I scanned some labels from the bakery area multiple times, but those that didn’t have evening discounts listed really weren’t discounted, so I initially just got the one cheap bun of the kind that had a regular discount those days that was left. Then I meant to take some lettuce, taking my time to select one and holding on to it for a while, but I eventually gave up on that idea, the evening discount being way too low. On the other hand, I got some cheese that seemed to have an unannounced discount and the olives that I was looking for, though the employee, who also told a coworker who started chatting with her while she was serving me that her throat continued to be terribly sore, entered something with a much higher price instead, but I noticed the problem as I started to walk away and told her, and she apologized and printed the correct label. That included the charge for the box, but at least it’s fair in that situation. And then, as I kept hovering around the fruits and vegetables, especially since two employees kept working in that area and I saw them scan some price labels a few times, at some point I left the olives and the cheese in a crate and only realized it after quite a while, being relieved to still find them there.
While there were no new or increased discounts for fruits and vegetables, and those that existed were too low to interest me, bakery discounts of 55% were announced around 9:45 PM and an employee came to place new discount labels… But the actual discounts printed on them were still of 50%, the only difference being that a few products which hadn’t been discounted before got added to the list at that point. And she also placed a discount label for the regular buns, and when I told her that I had scanned the regular label moments before and there had been no evening discount, she said that it’ll show up in a little while, and when I scanned that discount label I did see the price listed on it. However, I didn’t actually look at the specific kind of bun that was listed there, trusting that she had placed the label correctly, putting that first bun which I had grabbed back and taking two of those plain ones instead, without a glove, even if my hands were no longer clean at that point… Yet when I entered the plain buns at the self-checkout, they still showed up at the full price, so I called for an employee… Only to be ignored by the one who was in that area, so I shrugged it off and just entered those buns as the slightly better kind instead, which were already sold out when I got there but which did have the 50% discount, so it’s possible that the bakery employee had placed the wrong label there. But that label had been there and she had even told me that they should be discounted, so I considered it to be their problem. And I was just retrieving my things when the closing announcement came, though I then took my time to arrange the purchases, leaving by the emergency exit a few minutes after 10 PM, after which I picked up one more recyclable with the deposit symbol from the parking lot and put all three of them in the recycling machine, keeping the voucher for another time.
On the way back, I checked that bigger Profi, putting my things in a cabinet, picking up a bag of spoiling carrots and asking about the price of the eggs sold by piece, since it wasn’t listed… And the first employee didn’t know it either, listing a few possible values between 0.80 RON and 0.90 RON and then asking two others, who quickly listed values between 0.60 RON and 0.95 RON and then said that it was probably something around 0.80 RON but that I’ll see the exact value at checkout. So I went to one of the self-checkouts, even if they only accept cards, and checked the price there, seeing that it was actually 0.99 RON, higher than anything mentioned by the employees. Then I just left the machine like that, since I didn’t seem to be able to cancel that selection, and went to the regular checkout with the carrots, the cashier also charging me for the bag that they were in, the price being higher than what you’re charged elsewhere for such bags, and she also rounded the change as far down as possible, giving me 0.09 RON less. But I had found a 0.10 RON coin in the other Profi, so I let it be, then retrieved my things, added that bag in the backpack and removed the bag with the cheese and olives from it. And then I also entered that non-stop Mega Image, putting my things in a cabinet, getting a regular bread for dad, seeing as that’s discounted by 70% at that hour, and then retrieving everything. And I picked up one more recyclable with the deposit symbol when I was almost back here.
I got back a little after 11:15 PM, then cleaned the litter box and went to drop a bag of trash down the chute. And then, since the cheese was really soft and falling apart on the sides, I tried to wash it a little, and as I was doing that a larger piece fell in the sink, and I just picked it back up, washed it a little more and put it in the box, over the rest… And then I just piled on the smaller pieces as well, without washing them, since it was impossible, and those were the ones that would have likely needed washing the most, so I really shouldn’t have bothered to wash the rest of it either. But I did, and then I put the purchases in their place, with the exception of dad’s bread and my carrots, and ate lunch. And it was 1 AM when I went to wash, being done a little after 1:40 AM. Then I washed what was in the kitchen and also sliced dad’s bread, which was a little harder to do because, seeing as I hadn’t washed my hands before picking it up in the store, I had microwaved it first. Either way, I ate dinner between 3:50 AM and 4:20 AM, and got in bed at 5:20 AM.
In the early hours of November 13, I once again managed my time poorly in the kitchen and, when I tried to “cheat” and take a first bite of dinner in my room before 3 AM but still failed even so, I decided to do a couple more things and start eating at 3:10 AM… Only to once again fail to manage my time properly, so I also finished the few other things that I had left to do in the kitchen and actually started eating at 3:15 AM. But I still managed to finish at 3:40 AM. And I kept wondering what to do about the orders for Windows 10, but still didn’t decide anything, or more exactly decided to keep delaying, even though it might have meant missing out on the sale. And then I also realized that buying the NVMe with its own heatsink when the motherboard has massive heatsinks for those slots had been a bad idea, but I was nevertheless not going to return it… And I took too long looking into things and, despite meaning to go to bed at least a few minutes earlier, I ended up doing so at 5:20 AM.
By 1 PM, when the alarm rang and I got up, I had received messages that I could pick up the two remaining orders for the new computer, but the plan was to run first, and one store closes at 5:30 PM… But I still delayed a little, checking those cheap Windows 10 Pro keys again and seeing that they had gotten even cheaper, so I placed a tentative order for two, since dad had said that at that price he might be interested in one as well, but selected paying when they’ll be picked up, even if that meant having a payment processing fee added, and a location where they were supposed to arrive in two days, so we’ll have some more time to discuss it.
But, again, the plan was to run, even though it was still raining, and while most sources listed the rain as ending around 3 PM, one listed it as continuing until 5 PM, and it was chilly to begin with, the reported temperature being 5°C and not changing until evening. But I definitely couldn’t wait, so I ate another Gala apple that was starting to spoil, though it wasn’t a huge one anymore, and the high-protein yogurt received after the marathon, since it was going to expire in two days, with cereals and almonds that were a mix of the last baked ones with Himalayan salt from the old bag and some which I had taken out of a chocolate and kept for this purpose, so I won’t open a new bag of almonds just yet. And the sweet thing consisted of two regular biscuits, with added honey. And I walked out the door at 3:35 PM, with what I needed to pick up what I had ordered from that store that closes early in the pocket of my tights and wearing the training shirt, albeit without anything underneath it, that thing on my neck and the gloves, plus the jacket on the way, tied around my waist as I ran. But it was 3:40 PM when I actually walked out of the building, after taking my time to arrange everything properly.
The time was 47:39.38, with sector times of 4:18.95, 5:10 (5:09.06), 5:58.94, 4:32 (4:31.52), 5:02 (5:01.69), 5:51 (5:50.88), 4:25 (4:24.97), 4:58.03, 5:32.72 and 1:53 (1:52.62), making for lap times of 15:26.95, 15:25 (15:24.09) and 14:55.72. The target was still to stay under 48 minutes and things didn’t look good after the first two sectors, and at the end of the first lap it was even worse, after just squeezing under six minutes on sector three, so I thought that even staying under 49 minutes was far from certain and pushed harder, the time on sector one of lap two not giving me many reasons to hope for something better but the following sector being a pleasant surprise, which made me push even harder on sector three of lap two. And after the end of the lap I realized that I needed 15:15 on lap three to have a chance to just squeeze under 48 minutes after all, and while I didn’t see how I could manage that, I just put everything into it and after a pretty good sector one and an even better sector two, it looked like I might just have that chance, if sector three would match that of lap two. However, my nostrils had been tightening more and more and by the time I started that sector I was really struggling to breathe, ending up covering most of that sector while holding a nostril open with a finger, which made me certain that I was going to fail… Yet at the end of the lap I couldn’t believe the time I saw, that sector three ending up tied for the third fastest ever if you just look at the seconds, though it was actually over one second slower than the actual third fastest sector three and I don’t have the exact time for what used to be the fourth fastest one. Either way, it also meant covering another lap in less than 15 minutes, and while the final sector was just passable, it no longer mattered.
On top of probably losing a little bit of time when I took off the glove in order to press the button and then put it back on, I had to get used to check the time with the stopwatch worn over the training shirt and while also wearing the glove, and before managing to do that I ended up briefly slowing to a walk on sector two of lap one and even briefly stopping on sector one of lap two in order to see the time better. Otherwise, some occasional drops fell all along, which was probably also one reason why there weren’t many people in the park and they didn’t create any notable problems, but the lane was obviously soggy, so I avoided it as much as I could, and things got worse towards the end of sector one of lap three, when those few drops turned into a light rain, which continued while I covered the next sector… Or at least that long, since on sector three of lap three I couldn’t focus on anything other than breathing and really don’t know whether that rain continued. Not that my nostrils hadn’t been tightening even earlier, but by that point they were pretty much closing and I didn’t want to breathe through my mouth, so I ended up holding one nostril open with a finger, basically running most of that sector with a finger in my nose, and seeing as there were also a few moments, when I had pulled that finger out, when I definitely faltered because I just couldn’t get any air, I really have no idea how I obtained that time on that sector. Admittedly, I gave absolutely everything, so I then struggled up the stairs at the start of the final sector and had to push myself every step of the way to the end.
After the run, I put my jacket back on and went to pick up that order, or more exactly the three separate orders from that store, being told when I got there that they had to keep them separate because the discount would be lost if they’d add the other products to one of the orders. But that just meant getting and signing three invoices, what took them a little while being to find the HDMI to DVI adapter, and the bag it was in looked like it had been forgotten somewhere for a very long time, so while one employee was looking for that, I chatted a little with one of the others, including asking about cases that have slots for optical drives and being told that they’re very rare and that there’s no point in them and people don’t want them anymore, that guy seeming quite baffled by the question and determined to convince me that I shouldn’t want one, so after just saying that I did and already had the drive, I dropped the matter.
After getting back, I ate a banana and an expired protein bar that I still had, changed, albeit leaving the training shirt on, and left again at 7:30 PM, with the recyclables with the deposit symbol, so I initially went past the store that I was going to pick up the motherboard from and entered the Penny that’s next to it… But the recycling machine was once again not working, and when I asked the guard about it he said that it had just been fixed that day and then had broken down again, so I put the recyclables and my gloves in a cabinet… Only to find that it was damaged and couldn’t be locked, and it also ate my coin, the guard coming to retrieve it for me after I struggled to get it out for a while. At least the second one worked, and then I bought an expiring product and a few other things, put the purchases in a bag, retrieved my things and went to pick up the motherboard like that, with a bag of purchases and one of recyclables. And when I did receive it, I saw that the box wasn’t sealed, in fact starting to open on its own when it was handed to me, so I asked whether that’s how they normally come and was told that it is, and that the bag that the board itself is in is sealed, which seemed to be the case at a quick glance… But when I eventually took the motherboard out, I found that the bag wasn’t sealed either, plus that the box lacking a seal meant that the few other included things could be accessed. Still, I found no trace of a seal which might have been removed, and no sign of anything having been used or tampered with, so maybe that’s just how they come and you have to hope that nothing happens on the way, as strange as that may be.
To return to that evening, after putting the motherboard in the nicer bag which I had taken for that purpose, I went to Kaufland, having no time to also check Carrefour first, but picking up some more recyclables with the deposit symbol on the way. And then I picked up a few more that were left around the recycling machine, and while one of those didn’t work, even if it was just like another which did work, and I just kept it, I put all of the others in… And the couple that had large bags and was using the machine when I got there, and after walking away for a moment returned with more while I was using the machine, seemed to me to be those who had picked up and tested a huge TV while I was waiting to pick up the motherboard, so I asked the woman whether they had been at that store as well, but she said that it hadn’t been them.
Either way, I then put my things in a cabinet and went to pee and wash my hands, mainly with water plus just a drop of soap that leaked out when I went back to the men’s, since there was no soap in either the men’s or the room for disabled people, and when I asked the cleaner who was in the women’s about it he said that he didn’t think they had soap anywhere. And it was a little before 9:30 PM when I entered the store and bakery discounts of 75% had been announced while I was peeing, so I went straight to the bakery area but just took a nice bun and a small baguette, nothing else that I had any interest in being left and discounted, since I scanned the labels for two products that I’d have been interested in but those had no evening discounts. Then I got a bundle of radishes, the few other evening discounts for fruits and vegetables not interesting me, and a few expiring products for my parents. And the self-checkout machine didn’t accept one of those products as the correct one, but the discount label matched the regular one and I called over an employee and she logged on to override the error, after which I weighed that product on the scales from that area and found that it had some ten grams more than what was listed and the label listed six grams deducted by the scales, so I assumed that the shrink wrap, which was much larger than necessary, probably added those additional few grams that caused the error. Either way, the closing announcement came while I was still using the machine, and then I retrieved my things, took some time to properly arrange everything, and stopped again after walking out to stuff the bag with that remaining recyclable in a pocket, which actually took a while, so it was close to 10:15 PM when I finally walked away, and on the way back I grabbed a can with the deposit symbol.
I got back just before 10:40 PM, then cleaned the litter box and went to drop a bag of trash down the chute, put almost all of the purchases in their place, except the radishes and an expiring product that I left for dad to deal with, did the day’s squats, and ate a bag of snacks before going to the bathroom, to use the toilet and wash, a few minutes before 12:30 AM. I was done a few minutes under an hour later, but I had a lot to wash and clean after dad in the kitchen, also selected the radish leaves and boiled them for the salad, and dealt with the walnut bread which I had purchased two days earlier, as well as with that baguette, so even though I ate the pizza brought by dad three days earlier as a combined lunch and dinner, I only did so between 3:55 AM and 4:30 AM. And I’ll also mention here that no visits were recorded… And when I wanted to put that walnut bread in the freezer I found that I had to rearrange the pieces in the bag in order to make it fit, but I did so while standing in front of the freezer and when the piece that I was moving slipped past the others, it fell on the floor. But I didn’t want to throw it away, and the crust was hard enough to allow me to wash it well, and then I microwaved it for quite a few minutes, after which I just cut away a little of the exposed part, where there was no crust. Of course, all of that took a while, so I ended up getting in bed at 6:15 AM.
At least I fell asleep pretty quickly, but I didn’t stay asleep for long, and after dad got up, which he had said should have been at 9 AM, I more or less remained awake. I might have briefly drifted off a few times, but I had definitely been awake for a long time when I decided to get on the computer for a while, a few minutes before 11:30 AM. I got back in bed a little after 12:20 PM, but after a few very brief and agitated naps I just wasted time before finally getting up, at 2:55 PM. And that night I started eating dinner at 3:10 AM, but still finished at 3:40 AM, and I ate that piece of walnut bread, after cleaning it some more. I considered removing the crust, which should have solved any problem almost entirely, but I didn’t.