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Quick Review: Milo and the Christmas Gift

This is a short game about a cat and a bunny that’s meant to advertise Milo and the Magpies, but in my case just confirmed that it’s nothing I’d ever care to touch. And while Milo, the cat, can be said to be the main character, it’s not the player character, the player interacting directly with certain areas of the screen. And there are few screens, chapter one taking place on two, but chapters two, three and four on the same third one and chapter five on a fourth. So, if you can figure out what you have to do right away, you can finish the game in minutes, even if some animations can be rather slow and the interactions between the cat and the bunny are tedious and serve no real purpose, not even being cute, at least from my point of view, yet the game requires them in order to progress, and in fact chapter four consists solely of this, and includes a part where any attempt at realism is thrown completely out the window.
However, it’s chapters two and three that are frustrating, the puzzles taking me a while to figure out, and in case of the one from chapter three I can’t even say that I did figure it out. I mean, I did feel pretty clever when I figured out the correct placement, but then I had no idea how to use it to figure out the numbers and apparently just stumbled upon the solution while I was actually trying to go for a different number. And while chapter five was easier to figure out, it struck me as strange that the sign wasn’t translated to English when clicking, which has to be a bug. But at least I was able to finish the game in one sitting, albeit only finding one of the secrets. Still, while there’s no way to manually save, if you quit you resume from the start of the chapter you were in at that point.


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